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Showing posts from December, 2006
THE VIDEO OF THE YEAR I've enjoyed many videos on YouTube this year, from Japanese TV commercials to tarsiers to bad hair metal to homo-erotic edits of scenes from Star Trek , but this one is my favorite of the year. It's a nerdy cornucopia of elf ears, diaphanous scarves, spells, plastic swords, rainbow leggings, cheap Casio keyboards, and twenty-sided dice. Sort of like the visual equivalent of filking , but much more fun. It fills me with a forbidden longing to play Dungeons & Dragons. Strangely enough, I first saw this at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts as part of an exhibit on artists using the music video form. The group responsible for it is called My Barbarian.
I am the (very small) goddess of hellfire! Originally uploaded by snoopygirl . Metal and Blythe -- two great tastes that go great together.
I, FOR ONE, WELCOME OUR NEW PORCINE OVERLORDS . . . I read an article in the New Yorker (1) last year about the growing threat of feral hogs. Apparently they have become a major nuisance in most of the US, destroying native habitat and species, even uprooting irrigation pipes. Plus, they are so wily and tough that only an expert hunter with at least 4 dogs can defeat one. Now, I learn that wild hogs may have caused the most recent outbreak of e. coli . It's clear what's going on -- the pigs are trying to kill us! Trichinosis just wasn't doing the job. With all the bacon I've eaten, I'll be the first up against the wall after the piggy revolution (here is where my sweetie Dr. Somneblex thoughtfully points out that he's given up pork). Coincidentally, I was just reading Oryx and Crake , which features the protagonist being attacked by genetically-altered super-pigs. Clearly, a pig-related horror movie is going to go into production any minute now. A good title ...
IN WHICH FAME GOES TO MY HEAD . . . Well, Jfro fans, I'm finally a published authoress, albeit in a narrow technical sense. You see there's this music zine called Chunklet , which is sort of a mutant child of Spy and Your Flesh that satirizes the indie rock scene. A few years ago, my friend Susan wrote an article for them on the big 2002 All Tomorrow's Parties concert in LA, but they edited it too much and she withdrew it. I started reading it, and it was pretty funny. They had a little blurb saying that the next 2 issues were about overrated records and asking for reader contributions. I jumped at the chance to trash my least-favorite musical genre, sensitive-singer-songwriter-twanging-on-an-acoustic-guitar-crap, and they ending up publishing my nasty little screed. Now there's a book version of those issues, The Overrated Book . I'm sure it will sell like hotcakes, just like all the other zine compilations. Remember the Thrift Score book? Retro Hell from B...