Here are some more signs you are in a post-apocalyptic movie from the gang at Name That Film : 11. Someone always has an eye-patch. [1] 12. The use of seatbelts is decidedly not in fashion. [2] 13. The sky is a strange colour , usually red. [3] 14. Mode of transport if not # 4 is either futuristic or horse and cart. [3] 15 We only see what happens in America or America is the default saviour of the world. [3] 16. There just happens to be one person who knows how to save mankind. [3] 17. It helps if you ride on top of the bus or just stand up in a convertible. [4] 18. Also, somehow the place to be is the Junkyard/Quarry. [4] 19. Your grooming hasn't suffered as much as one would expect. [5] 20. You feel an uncontrollable urge to beat Kevin Costner to a lifeless pulp. [6] 21. Canned goods have a shelf life of 25 years. [6] 22. Everyone has surprisingly good teeth. [6] 23. Why are we in a desert??? [6] 24. You find an ancie