Meredith, in her excellent library blog, tagged all her readers to participate in this meme, so here goes . . .
1. I can play "The Irish Washerwoman" on the recorder.
2. My least favorite color is yellow. I rarely use it in art and design projects, and I always try to avoid getting the yellow piece in Trivial Pursuit.
3. I know all the words to the theme from "Maverick".
4. My grandma was friends with Jessica Mitford. This makes me four degrees of separation from Hitler.
5. The first rock album I ever bought was Squeeze's Singles --45's and Under. Luckily, I didn't really get into rock until high school, so I didn't buy anything embarrassing. I just digitized this for my iPod recently (not the actual same LP, I dropped that one in a tragic accident).
OK, now it's your turn, Kathy, Mali, Hellbound, and Dr. Somneblex.
1. I can play "The Irish Washerwoman" on the recorder.
2. My least favorite color is yellow. I rarely use it in art and design projects, and I always try to avoid getting the yellow piece in Trivial Pursuit.
3. I know all the words to the theme from "Maverick".
4. My grandma was friends with Jessica Mitford. This makes me four degrees of separation from Hitler.
5. The first rock album I ever bought was Squeeze's Singles --45's and Under. Luckily, I didn't really get into rock until high school, so I didn't buy anything embarrassing. I just digitized this for my iPod recently (not the actual same LP, I dropped that one in a tragic accident).
OK, now it's your turn, Kathy, Mali, Hellbound, and Dr. Somneblex.
1. On a recent trip to Target, I bought floor wipes, counter wipes, toilet wipes, personal wipes and baby wipes. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re me.
2. I have neither a favorite, nor a least favorite color. In fact, the question doesn’t even really make sense to me—it’s like asking “What’s your favorite element?” I don’t like rotten eggs, but I can’t say I have anything against sulphur per se.
3. One of my favorite things to do is to come home, turn on KS95, and dance with Rana.
4. When I was growing up, I knew a doctor who worked in the state prison system and treated Ed Gein. This makes me two degrees of separation from the guy who inspired the Texas Chainsaw Massacre—not to mention Psycho.
5. The first album I bought for myself, was, I’m pretty sure, REM’s Chronic Town...but instead of filling your blog with reminiscences about my youth, I’ll write more on this topic at mine—check it out.
2. I am not so good with these types of lists.
3. I am actually quite horrible at these types of lists.
4. I think what I mean to say is that I suck at these types of lists.
5. Refer to 2-4 above.