So, I finally got that iPod Touch I've been craving. You can see I'm mostly going for the free and Web 2.0 route, except for games of course. I now see why people want mobile versions of web sites for their PDAs and smartphones. A little surfing is OK, but you don't want to do a ton of it. On the other hand, the Facebook app may be better than the web site
The Touch will save me having to pay to make calls when I'm on the town just for informational purposes. Frankly, I don't want to be on the phone at all, except for important business that can't be done online, emergencies, and talking to loved ones. Perhaps I will discover the joy of texting now I can do it for free. I mean, what is with these cell companies? You're supposed t0 pay $40 for phone, $30 for data, and another $20 for texting? Screw that. If I really get addicted and need to be online all the time, I'll just get a Mi-Fi, with the pre-paid phone it'll still come out cheaper that the iPhone & I won't be chained to AT & T. If so, you can bet I'll be Skyping like a mofo instead of cell calls whenever possible. That reminds me, does anyone know where a headphone with microphone can be found that fits an iPod Touch/iPhone and doesn't have earbuds? I can't stand having anything in my ear smaller than my elbow.