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I got plenty of toys last year, so my ambitions for this year are more modest:

  1. Mac-Friendly Webcam for Skyping ($30 - 50)
If anyone knows of a good one for Macs, let me know. My sister and brother-in-law had a little trouble setting theirs up.
  1. Headphones with Mic for Skyping on iPod Touch (20-$50)
Now that my Internet is speedy enough, my plan is to eventually use Skype for all my long-distance calls. I just need to find some headphones without those stupid earbuds. My doctor told me never to put anything in my ear smaller than my elbow, and it seems like good advice. I don't even like using earplugs except for those wax ones that swimmers use. If you've ever had TMJ pain where it feels like someone is drilling into your brain from the inside, you'll know why. I might have to buy the mic separately.
  1. Boxee Box ($200?)
This is the one that will go bye-bye if my fridge or dishwasher conk out. I love the idea of streaming shows on the Internet, watching them at my computer not so much. On the other hand, I could try to add it to my Apple TV for free, but I'm a little scared of jailbreakking and having to worry if every software update will mess everything up.
  1. Ram for MacPro ($100-200 for 2-4 GB)
My computer is about 3 years old, time for some memory to perk things up, especially since I installed Snow Leopard. I think I'll try to install it myself this time and buy one of those geeky static bracelets because you know I'll fry something otherwise.


Unknown said…
well Jfro, if you're looking for headphones i have a set that plug into a usb port that i'd be happy to give you. There's just the USB port thing...Luke says its bad for sound its up to you.
just offering


p.s. I really like your writing style! i've been trying to emulate it in my own blog (
JethSeux said…
All very useful items, I am sure . . .

I don't know about the Boxee Box though, something to coordinate devices seems like it could go obsolete when the other technology changes, but I could be wrong, I am just your loving caveman tech-primitive boyfriend after all!

I think the webcam would be most useful as it would cut down on your phone bills.

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