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JFRO'S 2013

Format once again ripped off shamelessly from the Librarian in Black:

Books--10th of December, NW, Code Name Verity, The Night Circus, Eleanor & Park

Comics--Rachel Rising, Ooku, Genshiken Second Season

Magazine--The New Yorker

Movies (theater)--Pacific Rim, American Hustle, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Movies (DVD)--Tai Chi Zero, Dredd, Wreck-It Ralph, The FP, Upstream Color, The Sound of My Voice, Kiss of the Damned, Thale, A Band Called Death, Drug War, No, Byzantium 

TV Shows (streaming)-- Nikita, Lost Girl, Being Human (UK), Call the Midwife, Alphas, Continuum, Adventure Time

TV Shows (live)--Community, Parks & Recreation, 30 Rock, Mad Men, Almost Human, Agents of SHIELD

TV Shows (DVD)--Archer, Leverage, Justified, Homeland, The Walking Dead, Falling Skies, Enlightened, The Bletchley Circle, Orphan Black, Children's Hospital, Sons of Anarchy, Person of Interest, Nurse Jackie, Defiance

TV Shows (web) -- Burning Love, BAMF Girls Club, The Lizzie Bennett Diaries, Tabletop

Items of Clothing--marled v-neck sweater, slouchy shirt, little black dress, John Fluevogs

Tabletop Games --Interface Zero, Takenoko

Computer Games -- Plants vs Zombies 2

Albums -- Windhand: Soma, Various Artists: Yellow Loveless, My Bloody Valentine: mbv, Melvins: Everybody Loves Sausages, Janelle Monae: The Electric Lady, Devil To Pay: Fate Is Your Muse, Wo Fat: The Black Code, Troubled Horse: Step Inside, Red Desert: Damned By Fate, A Place to Bury Strangers: Worship, Nightstalker: Dead Rock Commandos, Grand Magus: The Hunt, Jess and the Ancient Ones: Jess and the Ancient Ones, The Vaccines: Come of Age

Songs-- Zynic: "Dead End", Martha Wash: "Dream on", Diana: "Perpetual Surrender", Owl City: "When Can I See You Again", Ted Leo:"Return to Crap Kingdom", M.I.A.: "Y.A.L.A", Daft Punk: "Get Lucky", Adele: "Skyfall"

From the vault--Tar:1988-1995

Radio--Radio K, Sanctuary Radio

Web sites--TV Tropes, Good Show Sir,  Hyperbole and a Half  

Twitter Twerps--@SnarkeysMachine, @libraryyeti, @loather, @GreatDismal, @FakeLibStats, @robdelaney, @JosephScrimshaw

App-- Brushes, Photoshop Touch, Aviary, Colorsplash  

Devices -- iPad mini, Chromecast

Events--Anime Detour, Library Maker Fair, parent's 50th anniversary 

Concerts –Magnolias, The Melvins/Die Kreuzen/Negative Approach, Austra, Droids Attack/Tonnage, Blind Shake/STNNNG

Bar--Turf Club, Grumpy's, Triple Rock, Cause

Sweet relief -- getting rid of Comcast, getting reimbursed by my insurance

Treat -- Raspberry Explosion at Cosmo's, Popeye's Biscuits, dumplings at Evergreen

Boyfriend -- JSeux (10th anniversary!)


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