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Showing posts from March, 2007


northwestgraphicsupply Originally uploaded by ash966 . It was a lovely day last Friday, so of course Dr. S. and I went in search of urban grit to photograph.
KING OF NEW YORK Local street artist Deuce Seven , whose show I caught at SooVac back in November, is now the toast of New York, according to this article in the Village Voice . Apparently, his Minnesota-bred hardiness helps him paint the town in a season when wimpy NYC taggers are all home shivering in their beds.
MORE NEWS ON THE COMING PIG TAKEOVER . . . I recently found out that's it's not only the Year of the Boar according to the Chinese calendar, it's the Year of the Golden Boar , which only comes around once every 600 years. It's supposed to be a year of good fortune--yeah right, for the boars , that is! The mainstream media is downplaying this story, so stick to Odd Obsession for more pig-related news.
COMIC BOOK REVISIONISM I was reading the Silly Daddy graphic novel by Joe Chiappetta , and something was starting to bug me. I own an earlier compilation and a couple of single issues which were including in this newer compilation, and there were subtle changes. The original version featured the cartoonist John Porcellino as a character in the story and was sprinkled with references to his comic book, King-Cat Comics . In the new version, the character's name was changed to "Al Indufamily" and the comic book to " Kind-Cat ". Also, in one scene we see a book entitled Ape Rape , which was changed to Ape . In the first case, I can only assume a falling-out between the two friends, either due to personal beliefs (Chiappetta reveals in a newer story at the end of the book that he has converted to Christianity) or business (Porcellino published Chiappetta's earlier work under the Spit and a Half imprint). The second case might be self-censorship due to complaint...