Moody Autumn from ash966 on 8tracks Radio . Sorry, it's been a while. Fall is always a busy season chez Jfro, plus my Internet and my intercom weren't playing nicely. Other than that, it could be fall all year as far as I'm concerned. Sun is overrated. I'm for foggy mornings, rainy afternoons, and walking on leaves. I suppose it's the nearness of winter than makes fall so beautiful. The Japanese have a word for that , of course. In the meantime, one can enjoy stylish coats, thin gloves, short scarves, and boots unmarred by a disgusting mixture of dirt, snow and rock salt. The season seems to go with dreamy, fuzzy music, like local shoegaze combo Chatham Rise, who played an awesome set at the Turf Club a few weeks ago. Check out their bandcamp page for more. Shoegaze passed me by the first time, so I had to do some research . I almost went to see the Jesus & Mary Chain, but then I remembered they sucked live the first time around. Oh, we...