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Showing posts from November, 2008


In Giant Robot #54 (sorry, print only), Lynda Barry makes the following statement: When one of my guy friends dated a girl I thought was too straight, I would be a total ass about it. I regret that my own weirdness made me a fascist about people who were not weird. I'm of two minds on this. Of course, it's wrong to judge people based on what they look like, just like judging them on ethnicity or educational attainment. Some of the weirdest people don't dress weird at all--they don't need to. And it's never a good idea to bad-mouth someone's significant other, unless they are hurting them in some way and you have to intervene. Not to mention, depending on one's orientation, it could sound like you're auditioning for the job of new significant other in a particularly whiny and passive-aggressive way, which just poisons a friendship. On the other hand, I've been to get- togethers and such with some horribly mismatched couples (thankfully not so of...


Some people have complained that they are not getting their Jfro fix in a timely manner. I tend to suggest that people sign up for an RSS reader like Bloglines , My Yahoo ! or Google Reader , but some are resistant to that idea. I swear, once you start using a feed reader, you won't know how you lived without it! My updates also appear on Friendfeed and Facebook if you are on those services. For those who prefer to receive everything in their email box, I have created a mailing list that will receive a message when updates to Odd Obsession appear. So, if I forgot to send you a message about it, subscribe here . If you don't want to get updates that way, feel free to ignore it, I won't be offended. I myself prefer RSS, but I want to make all my readers happy.


I discovered this article via Name That Film on the top 5 marriageable female characters in movies, so I decided to make my own for male characters: H.I McDunnough, Raising Arizona . He reformed himself from a life of crime and only wanted to do what was best for his wife, too bad it didn't go so well. Willie Mossup, Hobson's Choice . Possibly the only husband in the history of the movies to admit that his wife's bossiness was a good thing. Also, he and his wife are great partners in business as well as life, so they'll always have something in common. Lloyd Dobler, Say Anything . Obvious, I know. Not many 18-year-old males would fly to London for their girlfriend's career. On the other hand, he's got his kickboxing, so you know he's not just a hanger-on. Alfred Kralik, The Shop Around the Corner . When you've found your soul mate, the fact that she's a bit of a bitch shouldn't stop you. Having already aired out both their petty disagreements ...


My co-worker and I were talking about the trouble with getting to the polls on Election Day, and we came up with the idea of combining Election Day with Veterans Day (I know, it's not original , but we were very impressed with ourselves). My polling place is 1/2 mile from a bus in either direction, in a ritzy neighborhood that believes in having no street lights to keep out the riff-raff, and yes, it is uphill both ways. Since my stupid state requires a reason to vote absentee (lack of transportation is not listed as a valid excuse), there was no way I was going to risk getting challenged this year. This idea would solve two problems-- 1) everyone forgets Veterans Day, schools usually don't close, so vets are not being properly honored, and 2) voter turnout is (usually) rather low. VV Day would honor vets by reminding everyone what they fought for, while giving more people a chance to vote without creating another national holiday. Here's my Facebook group --join the Jfro ...