Well, it's Shogatsu time again at Casa Jfro, so I'm working on some super-secret craft projects. I can't go into detail, but it involves sewing. Homemade gifts are economical, show a personal touch, and if you are sensible about it, not really very hard at all (Shhh!) I once saw a decorated matchbox at one of those little-gifty stores for 5$. C'mon! Anyone can slap on a picture cut from an old magazine on a matchbook and glue little beads on it, it's not rocket science. Now, I love hipster craft sites and mags like Gothic Martha Stewart , Readymade , Craft and Craftster , but there are certain key words in instructions that always give me pause: 1. Saw : My little secret--I am very bad at straight lines. My little condo does not need to be full of random wood scraps that are only good for firewood. You can have the guy at Ace cut it for you, but that kind of defeats the point of DIY. 2. Solder or weld. I actually learned how to solder in Sculpture class. It...