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Showing posts from December, 2009


Just a little post to get people excited about their New Year's mixes . . . I think this year will be one of my better mixes. Last year was a bit schizophrenic, with a lot of very poppy Jpop and very heavy stoner rock, but too little in between (or for people who like neither genre). 2009 is going to be diverse, although not without last year's trends. It was the year of learning about stuff from the Internet. Top music sites for me included Chunklet , Bitch Magazine , Hardcore Math User , The Prelinger Archive and . I also heard songs on Internet stations such as Japan-a-Radio , Groove Radio , Radio Nigel , K666 Radio , and . I would sometimes hear about a band (thanks for your research, Dr. S!) and then check out a sample on Skreemer , LastFM, Lala, YouTube, or even (shudder!) Myspace. Wikipedia is also good for lists of music genres or to see who they compare a band to. The library is still my good friend as well. Here is my technique for making mix...