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Showing posts from May, 2008


Somehow I missed it, but Giant Robot published a " My Perfect Day" story from the Twin Cities a couple of months ago. It's a feature where the writer describes the place they live in the form of a diary entry for a perfect day where they could do all their favorite things in a period of 16 - 20 hours. This one was pretty good, the guy works for the Walker and mentioned most of the cool galleries and museums. It's too bad he apparently never steps further east of the river than Dinkytown, though. Where's the St. Paul love? If I did a perfect day, I'd have to do a Minneapolis one and a St. Paul one, otherwise I'd never fit everything in. Here's my East Metro version, based on certain special days with my sweetie Dr. S : 9 AM: Early for me, but it's a perfect day and I have a lot to do, so Dr. S tickles my toes. I look out my balcony at the Mississippi: it looks like a perfect day. 10:30 AM. We walk along the Mississippi River and look for any new g...

10, 000 HITS, BABY!

Well, thanks to recent posts of the new Intermedia Arts mural and the Como Zoo , I have finally achieved my dream of 10,00 hits on Flickr. I would have more, but apparently Name That Film posts don't count (it's technically 18+, but not for reasons of naughtiness). The popular blog Boing Boing mentioned NTF a couple of months ago, so we were swamped for a while. I prefer getting props for my abilities (at least those of being in the right place to capture street art) than because a lot of people are trying to guess what movie my snap is from, anyway.


So, I went to Anime Detour last month and a good time was had by all, although I did put my back out for a week afterwards, hence the lack of posts in April. Apparently, I can no longer sit cross-legged for any length of time because the nerve in my leg starts hurting , making sitting in a chair very painful, which makes it hard to share my wit and wisdom with all the Jfro fans. My dear friend KathySRW let Dr S . and I stay over at her hotel room, which was great and definitely the way to do things. Next time I may spring for a room or split the cost. Kathy's daughter was dressed as Light from Death Note , a 2008 cosplay favorite, along with Bleach, Hellsing , and the ubiquitous Naruto (In my day, ninjas were remorseless killing machines, and that's the way we liked it. Now get off my lawn with your ridiculous orange jumpsuit!) Here's some more pictures from my Flickr account. We got to check out some new shows, of which our favorites were Flag and Witchblade . Flag w...


I recently discovered that Encyclopedia Britannica is giving free one-year subscriptions to web publishers, and I guess I am one, because they gave me one. Awesome! Now I can look up all the real people the characters in Rome were based on.