Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR . Sorry I'm late on this, Jfro fans. It was a crazy month, what with the cold from hell, a trip to Iowa, and having all this training to do for our big e-book roll-out at work. Anime Detour 2011 was a great time, everyone was really nice except that one guy who loudly complained that the Horrors of the Internet panel lacked for disturbing medical mishaps. Our 2nd year of the Manga Reading Lounge was a well-oiled library-promoting machine , people. I got to hang out with KathySRW and introduce her to TV Tropes (try to get any work done now, sucker! Bwahahahaha!) And there is just something so fun about staying in a fancy French hotel chain with a bunch of costumed freaks (yours truly not excepted). J & I finally got to play Feng Shui --I was a drunken kung fu master, he was a ninja, so we pretty much just played ourselves. The shows seemed better than last year, I found several I'd watch the rest of: Black Lagoon --Hong-Kong-st...